“Mmm — smells like tomato soup!”

We are attempting a garden this year — yay!!! That’s what I asked for this time for Mother’s Day (instead of a dishwasher), and it’ll be great to have the kids help and work together and reap the benefits of freshly homegrown food again.

Until then, we’ve got some herbs started in the kitchen, but the basil isn’t growing, so we bought one at Whole Foods the other day. I asked Levi to pick out which plant he wanted, and we all took turns smelling them — Ohhhh heavenly!

He finally decided on one and exclaimed, “MMMMMMM smells like tomato soup!” Guess that was the one for us!

And of course, for dinner that night, we had to make fresh tomato soup out of tomatoes, Levi’s freshly-cut basil, milk, garlic, salt and pepper, and a teeny bit of pure maple syrup.

There wasn’t a drop left.


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